Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Nightmare I had

I had bought a new house cute and pretty new hardwood floors spacious marble counter tops just simply gorgeous. Well I had to buy a second car for some reason my other car stopped working or something any ways. I started to notice this guy watching me where ever I went was really freaking me out so I came home one night pitch black outside all my dogs were in the house asleep I got inside quickly they didn't even bark like they normally did. My dad was there had come down with something I knew the lady across the street was a doctor but didn't go over there bc it was so late. But then all of a sudden that guy came up to my window and I saw his shadow and the form of his face it was mingled looking I screamed and ran to hide some how he managed to get in the house without the a peek from the dogs I heard him breathing behind me I looked back and there he was I ran out of the house at lighting speed jumped up on my neighbor across the streets roof some how and was banging on her windows it was a 3 story house I was hanging from on of the eves when she open the door I fell to the ground . Ran inside she was so freaked out asking me all kinds of questions I told her someone was following me and had been for weeks she then calmed alittle bit and said I could sleep there for the night and we would call the police in the morning. Every window on the ground level of her house was open I started panicking I shut them as fast as I could. Couldn't go to sleep she was still up so I talked to her about my dad feeling sick and acting strange she said she would take a look at him. From there it went to her about to do surgery on him in a super lab in her basement she said he had a very contagious virus so we all had masks on went through this room to decontaminate our bodies & clothes then she went to operate there where several cars in the yard I sat there patiently waiting for the surgery to end and I peek outside a red truck with a man inside staring at me I got down to the ground under the window where I stayed it was like I was frozen with fear. The doctor came in and said that my dad would never be the same again somethin had gone wrong I ran down there she yelled don't go down there it's not safe I kept running. Got to the stairs and heard this weird slithering sound. Didn't take another step saw a shadow on the wall coming up the stairs a human head and a snakes body I stepped back it was my dads head but he wasn't the same in the face the disease had made him look scary almost zombieish he has fangs I started running back the way I had come him still chancing me went to the second story of the house at the top of the stairs was another snake human head thing came straight for me and then I woke up ......

That was one freaky dream scary and felt so real. I think the guy that was stalking me in the dream had something to do with my dad getting sick that would make sense or trying to help me like a guy from the government or something who knows.. All I know is I dont want to have that dream again. It's also really hot in the house gonna turn the heat off and might try to go back to sleep since it was only an hour I was a sleep for


Unknown said...

That was an awful dream i can see why you would not think you will get to back to sleep but i hope you can and sleep well and no more nightmares ever <3 xo

Brian32223 said...

That is one scary dream.....I'm glad you shared but sorry you had it....it would have really freaked me out to.....they say most dreams have some meanig...you can look those things up on the internet sometimes. Hope you only have sweet Dreams now

Nymjr72 said...

Yikes...maybe watching too much Walking Dead! :)