Friday, June 17, 2011

Running for Playboy's Miss Social June 2011

Please make sure you vote for me daily hourly whenever you can as long as you have votes you can vote for me and its super easy to earn votes I know that Team Louanne can make this happen!! Im so close to Emerald Status hopefully by the end of the day i will be in the emerald status then its Diamond (which is semi-finalist) then Super Diamond (which is finalist) Lets make this happen xoxo love yall and here is the direct link to the app on facebook Thanks to all of you who have voted for me i really apprechiate your dedication to me and the cause Hopefully yall will see me in Playboy one of these days xoxo Louanne


Brian32223 said...

It's fun watching you move up....we will get you there....I love that my votes mean something and love to keep earning more and more...easy to earn votes with all of the challenges

Rubén said...

ou are a true and beautiful diamond.
and I've sent now supporting the 1000 vote that kept. xoxox

Unknown said...

So glad
i have been able to help you so much in this contest you deserve everything i can do to help you, you have been so sweet to me and a great friend.